Edamastura binti Mohd Dee
30 may 2009
Every person in the world must have the name. It also about me. my name is Edamastura binti Mohd Dee.Why my name like that? This is because my parents gave me my name.They choose my name in the name islamic book. i don't know what the meaning Eda but Mastura means the reserved.
I have many nick names. in my family, they call me kak ngah because i'm number two from my siblings. Many my friends call me Eda because it is simple name. i also like they call me like this.Just only one person call me Mas. She is my grandmother.
During i was small, i like Amy Mastura because her name same with my name.i also like her song. "Mastura" also used as food brand like wafer sticks and crackers.This shows the name is famous and i proud with my name. During i was young girl, i cut the brand at the cracker packet and i paste on my locker.
Lastly, i proud and happy with my name. i don't want to get bad name. I also want my parents proud with my me.
by edamastura