15 JUNE 2009
My best friend is a friend who be there when im in trouble or have a problem. My best friend is Enol, we use to go to the same high school in Wangsa Maju. Now he is studying hotel management at Johor, when he comes home we will hang out from night until morning. We still share our joy and pain, we always give each other advices to overcome our problem. Enol always give me advices to be more confident of myself.
my best friend
My Hometown
15 JUNE 2009
I was born in KL on 1988, thus my hometown is in kl, a small develop town called Wangsa Maju. I love Wangsa Maju it is where my secondary school and high school is. Wangsa Maju is famous for its hang out place, such as Nz curry house and many cyber café for gamers to rock on. I always go to play game at cyber café at midnight with my friends. Wangsa maju also is the place where many independent band was born such as couple. Wangsa maju is always be a special place to me because of all the memories I have there.
what did I do last weekend
15 JUNE 2009
For some people weekend is a free time to do something fun rather then go to work. It is a time where we can ease stress or look for opportunities. Last weekend my friends and I decided to go to PWTC, that’s where the carrier fair took place. Fazrul which is one of my friends said that we not only can seek future job opportunities but we also can meet some pretty girls that were there. What Fazrul said was true, PTWC were pack with people mostly with pretty girls and we get to hit on few girls there.
There we gain a lot of knowledge about our future job, by hearing to speech and taking pamphlet. After 2 to 3 hour there we decided to go home, but before that we went to Mcd to eat. The next day which is Sunday, I woke up at 9am as usual, then I watched tv until 2pm. After that my friend Hafis went to my house to give me a guitar lesson, we play guitar until night. At night me , Hafis and more of my friends went to cyber café to play Call of duty modern warfare. That’s what I do last weekend.
What is your opinion about Fondation English?
My opinion about foundation English is it was a very good thing because it help student that not very clever like me to learn the basic of communication in English.
Besides, foundation English class was different from my other subject. In this subject, my classmates and I were very close like a family. Because so many thing that have to be done together like planning a drama. We will discuss together and do our task together.
Although this class learning style was same like when I still in secondary school, but the situation was very different. It was much easier to understand and much more interesting when compared to the secondary school.
And what more important, we feel very enjoy when learning in this class. This is because we have 2 lectures that very nice and understand us very well. Here, I would like to give thousand of thanks to both Madam Fauza and Madam Mi Chi…….
by: Izzuddin Salam
What I like and dislike about English? OR What I like or dislike about English?
I choose to answer the question “why I like English….” I have my own reason why I really love this language.
First of all, I love this language because I know that English was very important nowadays. If we take a closer look, so many books that publish these days were written in English. If I didn’t love English, for sure I will not learn about it and I will never want to read anything that been wrote in English.
Besides, I love English and I can talk to other people using this language. This is because English was nominated as universal language and majority people all over the world use English to communicate with each other.
Last but not least, I hope that I can learn more about English and understand this language more deeply on the future.
by: Izzuddin Salam
My Best Friend...
Everyone got their own best friend, so do I. There were a little difference between a friend and a good friend. Friend was those that know us while best friend were those that nice to us and know everything about us and for sure, always with us no matter in good or hard condition.
At my village, I got several best friends that always understand and very close to me. They were Amir, Amirul, Mustakim and Mie. We were friends since young. Although each of us got our own ways of life, but there will be a time when we will gather and talk a lot. Jobs and work that limited our time to spent for each other.
If I come back to my hometown, for sure I will contact them and we will hang out together all day long. They will feel very sad if I didn’t contact them. This has happened once and I don’t want it to happen again…… because of that, I feel very happy because God has given me a good friend like them….
by: Izzudin Salam
Who is your idol/hero? Why?
Maybe, everyone got their own idol. But, when this question being referred to me, I will say that our Prophet was my idol. But, to be 100% like him will be something that very impossible. I will only try to do everything that he ask and leave all the thing that he forbid.
But, for this time, I can also said that my father was my idol. This is because my father has thought me a lot about the meaning of life. The perseverance and strength that shown by my father to raise me and my siblings make me realize about the meaning of today life that was very hard to get through. Although my family can’t be categorized as wealthy family, but my father never sigh in raising us.
As a father, he very concern about our family and he lead us to things that claimed by islam. He will do the best for all of us.
This is the reason why I choose my father as my idol and I will do my best to be like him in this time or in the future.
by: izzuddin salam
If you were given a chance would you change anything about yourself? What is it? Why?
If I were given a chance to change myself, for sure, there were a lot of thing that I want to change. One of them is I want to change my attitude so I will be much more like a teacher because now, I’m taking the education course. So, it was a big chance for me to become a teacher compare to other job. When all people around me judge myself right now, I didn’t have any attitude that can told people that I will soon become a teacher. Sometimes, I was talking to myself about the best way to change my attitude to become a teacher. But, one thing that I sure, I will change my attitude because it will give a big impact to my carrier when I became a teacher after this. If I can, I will not only change my attitude, but I will change all things that bad about myself to become the great teacher.
by: izzuddin salam
When I was small I was afraid of…..
When being asked with this question, the answer will be probably my father. When still a kid, I was very afraid of my father because he was a very fierce and strict. If I did something wrong in my father eyes, the best way to punish me is with cane…… sometimes, I feel that I already immune to my father cane. hehehehe…… I remember some incident when I was still a young boy, I very love to go to my village river and take a bath there. At that time, my father will be very angry if he know that I go playing at the river because that place was a dangerous and unsafe place to a kids like me. During that time, I never think about danger, the thing that I know, I feel very happy playing at the together with my friend. And, that day come, when I in primary 2, ;the time that I still didn’t know how to swim. My friend and I that same as me (don’t know how to swim) go to the river to take a bath. At that day, I was very unlucky because I got drown when still taking a bath….. and this incident known by my father….. for sure, the bamboo cane alight at my body. It was a painful thing when being beaten by my father…. That’s why I’m very scared of him….but, I still go to the river and the result, now I can swim….hehehehehe…
by: izzuddin salam
...My Idol...
What did I do last weekend?
entry 2
How are you today?
Today I want share with you about my holiday last week. Last week my friends and I go Sungai Gabai. We went there for a day only.
We went by car at 10.00 a.m and arrived at 12.00 p.m.Along road,we saw many house nearby by road.like the people said "rumah kampung".
For me this is a very best jurney because we visit many great place such as the waterfall.The water is very cold.
At the evening,we come back to UKM
We a so happy but tired....
15 JUNE 2009
My Hometown....
My OpiNioN AbOut FouNdaTioN EnGlish

Everybody must have opinion. Firstly I want to say many thanks a lot to Madam Fauzanita because willing to teach me innocents. And then as I follow this class I sense fun. After that do not forget also to Madam Mi Chi which many help we in making group assignment about drama. My opinion about Foundation English can upgrade comprehension about English. Furthermore Foundation English is basic point to more control in language. Of this learning I can improve my language, skill communication, grammar, tenses, speaking, spelling and others about English. I think when learn English time short semester student can concentrate and focused also get more benefit and knowledge.
My bestfriend ...
When I was small I was afraid ....
My Best Friend..
15 JUNE 2009
Everybody have their best friend. I have my best friend when I was studying at Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang Kedah. Her name is Mazlin Musa. I feel comfortable when I friends with her because she is a nice, caring person and also understand me. Now she studies at UTM Skudai but we are never lost contact until now. When I go back to my home town, I must meet her first before I go to my home. She is a great person and also funny. One day we are promise to have joint venture to each other to build one business company...
by Nuraathifah
My opinion about foundation English..
=My bestfriend=
Entry 4
edamastura binti mohd dee
15 June 2009
by edamastura
my hometown
edamastura binti mohd dee
15 June 2009
My hometown is Kuala Rompin, Pahang. My family lived there since my parents were married. My hometown is famous with the JP fishing rod at the Lanjut. It also has a Taman Negeri Endau Rompin. There is a very beautiful and peaceful place. Every year, my hometown have will 'Rompin Festival'. A lot of people come to the festival. Then Pulau Tioman is interesting island at my hometown. Many visitors goes to the island. And lastly i love my home town....
by edamastura
15 JUNE 2009
Assalamualaikum class
How is everything? How is the drama? Are you presenting this Wednesday? Good luck and all the best.
I want to mention a few things here.
1. There are 9 essays all together. You have to write all of it.
2. Please comment what your friends have written. And also write the comment number. If before this you have written comments but you have not written the comment number so the next comment you have to write the number.
3. A reminder the date line to write your essay in the blog is 18 June 2009.
4. I know that some of your friends/classmates have not written anything in the blog for so long, please ask them to join the blog. If they have problems please help them.
5. Some of you, I still do not who you are. Please tell me who you are before it is too late.
Thank you and good luck.
Pn Fauza
My Best Friend

15 JUNE 2009
I believe that everyone in this world has a best friend, so do I. I have a lot of friends but there was one person that really closes with me. His name is Tauhid bin Matlab. I knew him since we study together at KUIS. We take a same course and went to class together. I like to be friend with him because he will help me when I have a problem and then when he has a problem, I will help him too. We are always help each other no matter what happen. I also feel free to be friend with him since he was polite, kind and the most important is he is open-minded. We also share a same hobby which is readi

Hafizul@Jet Li