Who is your idol/hero? Why?


Maybe, everyone got their own idol. But, when this question being referred to me, I will say that our Prophet was my idol. But, to be 100% like him will be something that very impossible. I will only try to do everything that he ask and leave all the thing that he forbid.

But, for this time, I can also said that my father was my idol. This is because my father has thought me a lot about the meaning of life. The perseverance and strength that shown by my father to raise me and my siblings make me realize about the meaning of today life that was very hard to get through. Although my family can’t be categorized as wealthy family, but my father never sigh in raising us.
As a father, he very concern about our family and he lead us to things that claimed by islam. He will do the best for all of us.

This is the reason why I choose my father as my idol and I will do my best to be like him in this time or in the future.

by: izzuddin salam