A 121362
Every human born in this world is have names, names possession is different for each human. With are name, one can facilitate various affairs and work. Very important name in the human someone's life so that when occurence of process which involves name human and human would be discriminating between that human.
Likewise like me, my name is Noramaluddin bin Md Yusoff, I am hails from village, my father is Md Yusoff bin Salleh and my is mother Sapora binti Zakaria, this name of me are given by my parent, my parent always calls me with calling Amal or Along. While my friends calling me by various short name such as Amal, Amar, Amaluddin, din and Nor.
Everyone when read or overheard my name, they must thing why must Noramaluddin, whereas me is a man. I ask my mother, why my name is Noramaluddin? My mother only answer my father mistaken my billing. However, I always story to my friends of my name is different by what my mother tell.
I say to them my name reason is Noramaluddin because my mother want I am a daughter and father also want I am a son, so, my name is fair to my mother and my father, Nor is to my mother and Amaluddin for my father. So, result of the combined two that name then formed Noramaluddin.
Name given by my parent having his distinctive meaning, I feel are delighted with my name although its considered strange for man. Noramaluddin are intended religious practices light. This name indeed appropriate for me and I sense my self of course integrated with his name. Likewise, also by proper name are used by my friends. Nor refers to light, Amal mean about practice, Amar mean for order, Amaluddin mean religious practices and Din mean to religion.