What I like or dislike about English?

Entry 10

Now I study cost arabic and history.My major is history of Islam.And the same time I learn the English.

For me the Arabic is so easy than the English.Some friends tell me the Arabic is very difficult than the English.

I want speak Arabic and English very well.I like the both.So I try learn slowly about the Arabic and English.

Hope in the future I can speak Arabic and English like my lecturer.It so nice when I can speak the both language.

18 JUNE 2009


apis_oreoir said...

hafis yahya
comment 24

ok, hope you can talk very well in english after this and learn more things about english...

affath@afnan fatah said...

you can speak arabic? i agree with you. my friend said, he learn english from primary school untill now but he can't speak very well. arabic he learn when he form one but he can speak and can teach other people.

shake said...

comment 19
june 20

maybe we can hangout at the library sometime to read some English book, i would be so much fun.. heheh