My Best Friend...

Afnan Hafiz bin Ab. Fatah
Entry 3
18 June 09

Friend is the best thing in the world. Without friend, then, who I am?. Our prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. has said, if you want to know someone, look at his friend first. I have many best friends but among them the best is Owais al-Qarni. He is the most humble person I have ever met. He is a person who likes to share knowledge to other people. He really likes to learn new thing about religious such as Tasauf, fiqh, usuluddin and the other. The thing I really like about him is his attitude. He is famous among our friends with his honesty. I feel lucky because I have a friend like him.


apis_oreoir said...

hafis yahya
comment 21

yes in our life is important to have a get more friends in this university..heheheheheh


salam afnan... yes i agree with you

comment 16
20 june