What is your opinion about Foundation English?

Afnan Hafiz bin Ab. Fatah
Entry 9
18 June 09

What is your opinion about Foundation English?

The important thing, when we learn about something we should do the best and try our hardest. Especially about something we think that are difficult and impossible to do but if we don’t give up we will reach our goal. In my opinion, foundation English so good. The first day in my foundation English class, I feel very happy because we have a joker friend in my class. Actually I feel lucky because I have such a great lecturer, she have such a very good opinion to give when we learn something new about English. In addition, it is challenging because there are a lot of new thing that I haven’t learn. By taking this lesson my English is getting better than before. This is my chance that I can’t let go because it will be helpful in my future life.
Thank you for teaching me great English. I can’t get any good lecturer than you.



HAFIZUL said...

Hafizul@Jet Li..
comment 17..
18 june 2009..

salam..i agree with your opinion..our lectures very good..i also feel like you..huhu

Shamsu Bin Ahmad@Matahariku said...

salam... i am agree with your opinion..