My best friend......

Mohd Shamsul Hamizan bin Hanapi,
June 14, 2009
Entry 7

We have lots of friend right. But how many friends we have, I believe we have our own a best friend. Actually when we have best friend we have someone who are very close who can share everything with us such as about happiness and sadness. we can have lots of friends who want only have fun together but it is difficult to find a friend who always with us however we are. I have many best friends. But my best friend who is more close with me is Hafiz. Now he is studying at Politeknik Sultan Mizan at Terengganu. He is a kind person. He always behind me when I happy or sad. I know him since secondary school. If I have a problem, I will share with him. We also always share our story or experience when we meet. Last year I got an accident, he gave me some spirit to survive my life. Then i know, when i sick not many friend can be true friend. They just want to have fun and ignore when i'm in trouble. But my best friend always beside me. Lastly I hope we will be friend forever. Because this is how friend should be.

Let us hear a song about best friend below ~


izzuddin said...

oh...I see of your friends are studies at Pooliteknik Sultan Mizan Terengganu??that my place....and one of my brother have studied here....

mR.meso said...

Mohd Shamsul Hamizan bin Hanapi
June 15, 2009
Comment 12

your place? owh...i have lots of friend that study over there. i think i want to go there one day when my friends finish their study.

izzuddin said...

yes bro....i'm from terengganu.....
if you arrived there....just call me.....

mR.meso said...

Mohd Shamsul Hamizan bin Hanapi,
June 15, 2009
Comment 21

if i have enough money, i will go there~

izzuddin said...

Muhammad Izzuddin Abdul Salam B. Hassan
18 JUNE 2009
comment 13

ooooo....that's good!!
if you arrived there....I can bring you to looking over there....

mR.meso said...

Mohd Shamsul Hamizan bin Hanapi,
June 15, 2009
Comment 36 know, i dont know so much about your hometown although its not so far from my state.

izzuddin said...

my place not as KL, my place also as your place.....we place is same just the dialect is different...