What did I do last weekend?

entry 2


How are you today?

Today I want share with you about my holiday last week. Last week my friends and I go Sungai Gabai. We went there for a day only.

We went by car at 10.00 a.m and arrived at 12.00 p.m.Along road,we saw many house nearby by road.like the people said "rumah kampung".

For me this is a very best jurney because we visit many great place such as the waterfall.The water is very cold.

At the evening,we come back to UKM

We a so happy but tired....

15 JUNE 2009


edamastura said...

comment 7

wow...very interesting..

izzuddin said...

Muhammad Izzuddin Abdul Salam B. Hassan
18 JUNE 2009
comment 18

but why you don't invite me when you going there???

kahkahkah said...

comment 7
18 JUNE 2008

sorry friend..
this time I do not know who are you??
when I same class with you.Just now I know you.Next time I will invite you.