my hometown

entry three
mohd faidzullah bin termizi

Every people have their hometown. Also me, I have my hometown. The name of my hometown is Kampung Telok Bagan, Tandop. At my hometown have many interesting place. The first interesting place at my hometown is 'sawah padi'. It is the best place in my village. At there we can see the nice place. I also go there to get the fish from there. The second nicest place at my village is the waterfall. The name is Titi Hayun. The villager at my hometown also good and like to talk with me when I saw them.s


izwan said...
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izwan said...

comment 2
19 June 2009
Mhd Izwan

my place don't have 'sawah padi'.so,can I go to your hometown and we can play that...

izwan said...

comment 2
19 June 2009
Mhd Izwan

my place don't have 'sawah padi'.so,can I go to your hometown and we can play that...

edamastura said...

comment 19
19 June 2009

yes jun...your vilage is a very interesting..i like vilage at there have a sawah padi too..huhu..


I luv sawah too....


i luv 'sawah' too....

inSAn kERdiL said...

WAHHH...i like toooooo