what I like and dlislike about English?

Entry 9
20 june 2009

English is an important in the world because it is an international language. I like English because many information we can achieve from its. It can give me the advantage when I want to look for some job later. What I dislike about English is reference is difficult in read but it depends to us how learn more to improve our English...

by asmidi_erdy


affath@afnan fatah said...

afnan hafiz bin ab fatah
20 june 09
comment 2
salam. why you think like that?oouch, many people think like you. in my opinion, whatever you must try to do the best.

affath@afnan fatah said...

afnan hafiz bin ab fatah
entry 4
salam. i want to invite you to go at speech tonight. do you want to go?

izwan said...

comment 15
20 JUNE 2009
Mhd Izwan

I agree with you.many people think like you.so, we must change to upgred our knowledge..

zuhdi said...

to izwan...
your "upgred" is not coorect...
the true spelling is upgrade...
try harder next time...

Purdah said...

salam asmidi, i agree with you...

comment 13