What I like/ dislike about English

What I like about English is important language. English langguage have grammer , many type of tanses and so on. We can use in daily speaking although broken langguage. Before this, I dislike English subject since primary school because my English teacher have did something I hate English. It is he throwing lime to me in classroom. It is because I not interested to learn English with him because he is too strict..so I was shy and from that time I was slowdown learn English language. But now I like English after I took foundation class may be because I have two good teachers.

By razmalinda

Entry 6

20 june 2009.


mR.meso said...

once again i detect your spelling word. the word "may be" should be "maybe"

[already put more than 50 comments ]


Mr meso...10q again.....

inSAn kERdiL said...

yes kak lin...you alright..i same with you

comment 22